About GMS

At A Glance

The middle grades present unique opportunities and challenges, a set of considerations that the Goochland Middle School team has identified and embraced to create an environment that renders teaching and learning personalized, relevant, rigorous, and engaging.  Faculty members approach every instructional day with student-focused urgency.  Students approach every day with excitement and an understanding of how their experiences at school connect to their own past, present, and future.

For more demographic and testing data, please visit the Virginia Department of Education’s School Quality Profile for Goochland Middle School.

Apple Distinguished School

Becoming an Apple Distinguished School.

The Apple Distinguished School program is by invitation only for schools that meet the current program qualifications. Recognition is for two years, with an opportunity to renew each invitation period. The invitation process starts with school leaders from K–12 public and private schools requesting an invitation to apply for recognition as an Apple Distinguished School. Requests are reviewed by Apple to ensure that your school meets the necessary requirements. Qualified schools will receive an invitation to complete the application process.


  • Established one-to-one program

  • Innovative use of the Apple platform

  • Faculty proficiency with iPad or Mac

  • Documented results

Overview of Apple Distinguished Program can be found here.

More Information on the Apple Distinguished Program can be found here.

Goochland County’s Press Release was posted here.

To view the Goochland Middle School Apple Book, click the appropriate image below.

iBooks Version

Goochland Middle School Apple Book iBook version

PDF Version

Goochland Middle School Apple Book PDF version

Academic Excellence

GMS staff challenges all students to use their minds fully and well.

  • Eagle Evolution transition program provides students an excellent first foot into middle school, prepared for success

  • Various levels of course offerings providing individualized learning

  • Grades 6-8 participate in the division’s 1:1 program with iPads focused on deeper learning, and recognized as an Apple Distinguished Program

  • Schoology used throughout the school to support a blended learning model providing access to virtual, social learning space, facilitating increased feedback from teachers and peers, and support for parent viewing of course content and teacher feedback

  • Student growth is a priority that becomes a discussion topic at grade level meetings, with teacher planning towards intervention and enrichment opportunities during Eagle Block

  • Faculty meetings are utilized to deliver needs-based professional development opportunities to teachers and staff based on a variety of data metrics

Development Responsiveness

GMS staff are sensitive to the unique developmental challenges of early adolescence.

  • Academic Career Plans provide framework for course selection based upon student needs and interests

  • Student voices support academics and school culture through participation in student government, bullying program, and through extra-curricular clubs

  • School focus on character, emotional & social growth, and continuous self-assessment to ensure perpetual evolution

Organizational Structures & Processes

This school’s administration has established strong norms, structures, and organizational arrangements to support and sustain their trajectory toward excellence.

  • Rich set of decision-making opportunities for students supported by our division’s five core values: Excellence, Creativity, Courage, Honor, and Optimism (ECCHO) with opportunities for recognition by the school board

  • Eagle Block is used to provide both enrichment and tiered intervention opportunities every day

Social Equity

Students have access to learning with high-quality teachers, resources, learning opportunities, supports, and positive options open to all.

  • Strong belief by all staff that all students can learn regardless of their race, socio-economic status, or prior academic achievement

  • 1:1 program sends devices home with students to encourage learning beyond the school day

  • Kajeet wireless devices to students without an ability to have Internet at home

  • Parents are highly involved with student recognition programs and when discipline issues arise